An exploratory study on organizational perception of medical specialists of the Puebla Health System

Nuvia Adriana Monter Valera


Organizations are made up of people who live in complex and dynamic environments. In recent years, the Mexican Health System is facing new challenges; there are very few studies about organizational perception of Mexican physicians. The objective of this study to identify the differences in the organizational perception of public and private physicians in hospitals in Puebla City. The methodology used is exploratory, descriptive, cross-sectional study. A structured survey of 30 items was applied, about the perception of strategy, structure, environment, technology and organizational culture. The sample size was 10 physicians, 5 from the private practice and 5 from the public practice. The sampling was by convenience. Results obtained indicate that in the private hospital there is greater knowledge of the mission, vision, structure and strategy participation; they perceive that their organization is facing a slow and uncomplicated change. In the public hospital, there is little participation in the generation of strategies and structure, they don´t recognize the mission and vision, they perceive that their organization is facing a slow and very complicated change; the organizational culture is little measured. It is concluded that it is important to study the organizational perception of physicians the present study it is observed a little sense of belonging to the hospital.


Percepción organizacional, estrategia, médicos.

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