Relationship between the level of resilience and the level of satisfaction of the companies located in the Laguna de Durango that are currently in operation and of the companies that closed definitively

Sergio Antonio Delgado de los Santos, Juan Enrique Huerta Wong, Susana Sierra Montelongo, Rebeca Sandoval Chávez


The objective of this project is to determine the level of resilience and the level of satisfaction of the MSE (micro and small enterprises) located in the Laguna of Durango that are currently in operation, the MSE that closed definitively. Definitions explaining the theme around the variables and the research question, such as resilience, satisfaction and importance of micro and small enterprises are occurring. The results show that businessmen or directors of SMEs currently in operation do not show a higher level of resilience in comparison to employers or managers of companies that closed definitively. If not happens with satisfaction, as employers or managers of SMEs that are currently functioning if they show employers increased satisfaction compared to or directors of companies that closed definitively. The study was conducted with 875 entrepreneurs, of which only 32% represents cases of entrepreneurs or managers of companies closed definitively; this limited number was due to the difficulty of finding employers or managers who already had closed a business.

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