Market research about the impact of advertising media on a Caja Popular located in Mexico

María Nancy Esmeralda Arredondo Mata, Susana Edith Cuellar Madrigal, Francisco Javier Medina Gutiérrez


Today, the use of advertising media for the continuous improvement of sales and customer persuasion remain the most common means of communication used in the business sectors. The complexity of the role of the media is requiring that its planners have general knowledge of the wide range of opportunities that these offer. This article shows the results of the market study on the impact of the advertising media of a Caja Popular located in Mexico to communicate with its partners, to get the promotions, products, services and other benefits. The methodology used for this study is considered a mixed and exploratory research, using the technique of non-probabilistic sampling for convenience. The results show that there is a diversity of advertising media and the most recurrent by partners are websites such as Facebook and Radio, which are considered obsolete are the periphery, spectacular ads and local television channel.

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